Results for 'Irma Leticia Castro Valdovinos'

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  1.  25
    Posibilidades educadoras de familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en México ante las condiciones de la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2.Ana María Méndez Puga, Irma Leticia Castro Valdovinos & Ignacio Roberto Herrera Martín del Campo - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-18.
    Este texto tiene por objetivo mostrar algunas de las condiciones que facilitan o complican el acceso al derecho a la educación, así como la permanencia de la escuela para familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en los tiempos del SARS-CoV- 2, considerando que gran parte del proceso de aprendizaje recae sobre las propias familias. Se realiza un análisis desde la cultura y la gramática escolar, contemplando las características de la escuela para estas familias y las posibilidades que tienen de responder a las (...)
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    Gestión de una Red Social Virtual: Impacto en Matemáticas Universitarias.Irma Leticia Chávez Márquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-13.
    El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue evaluar la relación entre el uso de una red social y el rendimiento académico en la materia de matemáticas. Para el método de investigación se trabajó con una muestra de 570 alumnos inscritos en la materia de matemáticas, la cual se dividió en estratos. Se llevó a cabo en una universidad pública del norte de México. La investigación fue longitudinal y correlacional. Los principales resultados indican que a mayor interacción académica en una red (...)
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    Presentación clínica del Mieloma Múltiple en pacientes de un Hospital Regional.Barrios-Hernández Irma Leticia & Gómez-Muñoz Jessica Iveth - 2013 - El Dilema de la Enseñanza 27 (1):116.
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    Reflexões Sobre a Pedagogia Franciscana e a Formação de Educadores.Adriana Dal Molin, Carla Camargo da Fonseca, Éderson Perera Coitinho, Gilvanete de Castro de Soares, Letícia Cavalheiro Borges & Maria Helena Rodrigues de Figueirôa - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):85-91.
    The formative experiences carried out throughout the Franciscan Itinerary reveal that reflection on Franciscan Pedagogy and the respective role of educators in Franciscan institutions must be constant and in dialogue with practice, aiming for actions that characterize education based on principles, values, and attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary to know and delve into the life of Saint Francis of Assisi beyond the knowledge of Franciscan humanism, so that its values are intertwined with personal values, becoming foundations for pedagogical practice.
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    Multinaturalismo e equivocidade de mundos em tempos de crise ambiental.Letícia Mendes Soares - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (2).
    Enquanto o relativismo cultural predominante na antropologia moderna compreendia a diversidade das culturas do mundo pela sua relação com uma única natureza de fundo, apresentando assim sua face etnocêntrica ao arrogar-se o acesso privilegiado à Natureza universal, o "relativismo natural" (Latour, 1994) considera a existência de naturezas tão diversas quanto as culturas que as constroem. Porém, a exemplo do que sabemos pela voz de Davi Kopenawa (Kopenawa & Albert, 2015), a catástrofe ambiental antropogênica eminente atinge não apenas a Natureza enquanto (...)
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    La crisis moral.Eduardo A. Valdovinos - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: Troquel.
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    Vulnerability in Resistance.Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti & Leticia Sabsay (eds.) - 2016 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Vulnerability and resistance have often been seen as opposites, with the assumption that vulnerability requires protection and the strengthening of paternalistic power at the expense of collective resistance. Focusing on political movements and cultural practices in different global locations, including Turkey, Palestine, France, and the former Yugoslavia, the contributors to Vulnerability in Resistance articulate an understanding of the role of vulnerability in practices of resistance. They consider how vulnerability is constructed, invoked, and mobilized within neoliberal discourse, the politics of war, (...)
  8.  46
    Age Matters but it should not be Used to Discriminate Against the Elderly in Allocating Scarce Resources in the Context of COVID-19.Leniza de Castro-Hamoy & Leonardo D. de Castro - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (3):331-340.
    A patient’s age serves as a very useful guide to physicians in deciding what disease manifestations to anticipate, what treatment to offer for certain conditions, and how to prepare for possible emergencies. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, determining treatment options on the basis of a patient’s chronological age can easily give rise to unjustified discrimination. This is of particular significance in situations where the allocation of scarce critical care resources could have a direct impact on who will live (...)
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  9. Hominid cultural transmission and the evolution of language.Laureano Castro, Alfonso Medina & Miguel A. Toro - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (5):721-737.
    This paper presents the hypothesis that linguistic capacity evolved through the action of natural selection as an instrument which increased the efficiency of the cultural transmission system of early hominids. We suggest that during the early stages of hominization, hominid social learning, based on indirect social learning mechanisms and true imitation, came to constitute cumulative cultural transmission based on true imitation and the approval or disapproval of the learned behaviour of offspring. A key factor for this transformation was the development (...)
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    Perceptions of COVID-19 patients in the use of bioethical principles and the physician-patient relationship: a qualitative approach.Guillermo Cantú Quintanilla, Irma Eloisa Gómez-Guerrero, Nuria Aguiñaga-Chiñas, Mariana López Cervantes, Ignacio David Jaramillo Flores, Pedro Alonso Slon Rodríguez, Carlos Francisco Bravo Vargas, America Arroyo-Valerio & María del Carmen García-Higuera - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the approach to the health-disease system, raising the question about the principles of bioethics present in physician–patient relations. The principles while widely accepted may not be sufficient for a comprehensive ethical analysis. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the perception of these principles and the physician–patient relationship during a hospital stay through a qualitative approach. Method Sixteen semi-structured interviews took place to know the patients’ perception during their 2020 hospitalization for COVID-19. (...)
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  11. Factualism and Anti-descriptivism: a challenge to the materialist criterion of fundamentality.Víctor Fernandez Castro - 2022 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 29 (1):109-127.
    Inspired by the work of Sellars, Cumpa (2014, 2018) and Buonomo (2021) have argued that we can evaluate our metaphysical proposals on fundamental categories in terms of their capacity for reconciling the scientific and the manifest image of the world. This criterion of fundamentality would allow us to settle the question of which categories among those proposed in the debate—e.g., substance, structure or facts—have a better explanatory value. The aim of this essay is to argue against a central assumption of (...)
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    franquismo en el aula. Una propuesta didáctica alternativa.José Carlos Mancha Castro - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:268-300.
    El presente artículo analiza cómo se desarrolla el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la historia del franquismo en las aulas de secundaria y propone un modelo metodológico alternativo, centrado en una didáctica del sentir la historia situada. A través de una metodología investigativa, de carácter constructivista, y centrada en el aprendizaje significativo, se propone abordar la comprensión y el estudio de la dictadura franquista investigando y poniendo en reflexión hechos sociales y simbólicos de carácter local. La finalidad es acercar el objeto (...)
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    Poetry and world in early Heidegger’s thought.Andrés Felipe Martínez-Castro - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 69:115-136.
    This article explores the relationship between Heidegger’s philosophy and poetry in his habilitation and his first lectures in Freiburg. Although poetry as a particular phenomenon was not yet thematized by Heidegger, philosophy and language developed in its proximity since the habilitation text. Subsequently, a tragic quotation exemplifies the characterization of language as a premundane generality in his first lessons. The article elaborates an interpretation of the implicit relationship between philosophy and poetry based on the pre-mundane language [Vorweltliche] and its critique (...)
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  14. The Third Party: Power, Disappearances, Performances.Antonia Garcia Castro - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (193):66-76.
    The scene takes place in O'Higgins Park, in Santiago, Chile, on 1 October 1995. Some women have just taken their place on the stage and the enthusiastic audience is applauding, the women have started singing accompanied by a guitar, but they cannot be heard, for the audience is still applauding. One of the women gets up. Like the others, she is wearing a white blouse and a long black skirt, she is old and her hair is grey. She moves to (...)
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    El Lévinas político según Abensour.Borja Castro Serrano - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:45-60.
    Este artículo pretende mostrar la lectura política que hace Miguel Abensour de Lévinas cuando analiza el sentido del eje conceptual levinasiano de la responsabilidad-para-elotro y sus vinculaciones ético-políticas. Así, podemos redescubrir la irreductibilidad de lo político como una dimensión que requiere de lo humano, todo esto bajo el lema de la extravagante hipótesis. Lo humano –a la luz de Lévinas y en lo cual Abensour se ancla– instala su propia irreductibilidad que hace renovar lo político y deja aparecer una filosofía (...)
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    Presentación: Gotas de agua.Rafael Martínez Castro - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Arte, técnica y oficio en metal. Herrería artística en el patrimonio arquitectónico de Montevideo, 1780-1950.Sofía Aguiar, Ernesto Beretta, Miriam Hojman, Valentina Marchese, Gianella Mussio, Leticia Olivera, Tatiana Rimbaud, Carola Romay & Verónica Ulfe - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 27:154-192.
    Este artículo sintetiza algunos aspectos del proyecto “Hierro y bronce. Criterios para la valoración y conservación de la herrería artística en el patrimonio arquitectónico del Uruguay”[i], cuyo objetivo es establecer los atributos patrimoniales de los elementos ornamentales metálicos asociados a fachadas del patrimonio arquitectónico nacional y contribuir a su difusión, puesta en valor y conservación. A lo largo de la investigación se abordan los aspectos socioculturales, artísticos, formales, técnicos y, por último, los relativos al deterioro de estos elementos y las (...)
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    Le tiers témoin.Antonia García Castro - 2001 - Diogène 193 (1):86-.
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  19. God as creator of power-Self-creator of the created reality in the works of Gustav Siewerth.M. Cabada Castro - 2004 - Pensamiento 60 (227):177-201.
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  20. Following Sebald's unsettling course : syndetic pilgrimage in architectural education and practice.Ricardo L. Castro & Teresa Strong-Wilson - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder, Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Filosofía y ciencia en el pensamiento reaccionario español durante la II República. La figura de José Pemartín = Philosophy and science in spanish Reactionary thought during the second Republic. José Pemartin's image.Álvaro Castro Sánchez - 2013 - Endoxa (32):133.
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    Indícios de Uma falta: Sutilezas na ausência negra nos livros didáticos.Maria Aparecida Dias Castro & Antonieta Miguel - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):199.
    Este texto busca ampliar as percepções sobre os livros didáticos para os anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental que compõem as quatro coleções utilizadas pelo município de Caetité no período 2010/2018. Para tal empreendimento recorreu-se a uma metodologia analítica e à instrumentos estatísticos, com o intuito de mensurar disparidades e incoerências em termos de representação fenotípica dos indivíduos, do espaço dedicado à abordagem nos conteúdos da história e cultura dos povos africanos e seus descendentes e ainda traçar o perfil dos autores (...)
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  23. Orden-desorden, a proposito de Il nome della rosa.E. Castro - 1989 - Sapientia 44 (174):295-304.
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    Psicologización de la vida. Lectura del Curso de Foucault "Le "Pouvoir Psychiatrique".Rodrigo Castro - 2014 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 47.
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  25. Phys. Letts B 626 (2005) 209.C. Castro - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 8:1301.
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    Sobre la filosofía en Marx.Fernando Quesada Castro - 1971 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6:25.
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    Sobre preórdenes y operadores de consecuencias de Tarski.Juao Luis Castro & Enric Trillas - 1989 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (2):419-425.
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    Simone Weil. Un grito desde la cueva del silencio.Dennys María Castro Martínez - 2014 - Universitas Philosophica 31 (62).
    In the last years of her short life, Simone Weil wrote the essay: The Iliad or the poem of force, a beautiful and lucid song to the greek virtue made clear during the Trojan War. From this reading, and through the exploration of her work, this article aims to elucidate the role of force as a key to understand the social phenomenon and the relations among human beings. Furthermore, it pretends to grasp the meaning and value of pain and suffering (...)
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  29. ¿ Por qué no positivismo jurídico?Castro Cid - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M., El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero. pp. 827--854.
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  30. A interação ensino-serviço como estratégia na formação em saúde.Olinda Maria de Fátima Lechmann Saldanha E. Luís César de Castro - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi, Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  31. El Rey D. Sancho IV de Castilla,? fue religioso franciscano?M. de Castro - 1997 - Verdad y Vida 55 (217-20):327-347.
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    Basic theoretical considerations about the clinical method.Magalys Duret Castro, Gloria María Monné Rodríguez, Carmen Elena Caballero Recio & Edwin Echemendía Reyes - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):65-83.
    El método clínico surge desde las relaciones humanas más primitivas y aún cuando se encuentra en constante evolución no se consigue su adecuada aplicación. El estudio de este método científico constituye uno de los temas más importantes que guían la praxis médica, ostenta ciertos caracteres que se entrelazan dialécticamente imposibles de desligar, centrados esencialmente en la relación médico-paciente con el objetivo de arribar al diagnóstico de una enfermedad determinada, por lo cual, se brindan algunas consideraciones teóricas a partir del análisis (...)
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    Commitments in Human-Robot Interaction.Víctor Fernandez Castro, Aurélie Clodic, Rachid Alami & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2019 - AI-HRI 2019 Proceedings.
    An important tradition in philosophy holds that in order to successfully perform a joint action, the participants must be capable of establishing commitments on joint goals and shared plans. This suggests that social robotics should endow robots with similar competences for commitment management in order to achieve the objective of performing joint tasks in human-robot interactions. In this paper, we examine two philosophical approaches to commitments. These approaches, we argue, emphasize different behavioral and cognitive aspects of commitments that give roboticists (...)
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    (1 other version)A cross-national study of corporate governance and employment contracts.Roberto García-Castro, Miguel A. Ariño, Miguel A. Rodriguez & Silvia Ayuso - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (3):259–284.
    Corporate governance (CG) can be seen to operate through a 'double agency' relationship: one between the shareholders and corporate management, and another between the corporate management and the firm's employees. The CG and labour management of firms are closely related. A particularly productive way to study how CG affects and is affected by the employment relationship has been to compare CG across countries. The contributions of this paper to that literature are threefold. (1) An integration of aspects of the labour (...)
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    La naturaleza racional como fin en sí mismo en la filosofía kantiana.Dulce María Granja Castro de Probert - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:203-213.
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    Can the subaltern smile? Oedipus without Oedipus.Andrés Fabián Henao Castro - 2015 - Contemporary Political Theory 14 (4):315-334.
    This article explores the relationship between theory and praxis by contrasting three different models of intellectual endeavor: totalizing, particular and decolonial. Attending to the critique that Gayatri Spivak raised against Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze in Can the Subaltern Speak?, this article advocates a dramaturgical reading of texts as a model for political theory to address subaltern agency. It reads such agency in the smile that Pier Paolo Pasolini registers in his 1967 film version of Sophocles’ play, Oedipus Tyrannos. Dramaturgically (...)
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    Formação de professores para a diversidade religiosa: qual apropriação?Claricia Otto, Fabiano Batista Rodrigues & Irma Iaczinski - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):885-899.
    Este texto é resultado de entrevistas e pesquisa com professores recém-formados em Ciências da Religião e com professores da disciplina de Ensino Religioso. Os aportes teóricos são de autores como Bourdieu com a noção de campo; Chartier com as categorias de apropriação e de representação; e, Foucault com a noção de discurso. Além de entrevistas, houve participação e observação de aulas de Ensino Religioso em uma escola estadual e no Curso semipresencial de formação continuada para professores. Nesses eventos foram produzidos (...)
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    RESEÑA de : López Sáenz, M.C. Marcuse. Madrid : Ediciones del Orto, 1998.María Jesús Picot Castro - 1999 - Endoxa 1 (11):383.
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  39. A new political imagination.F. Quesada Castro - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (3-4):286-303.
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  40. Texturas marginales: el desarraigo del extranjero como momento emancipador.David Ramos Castro - 2006 - In Juan Carlos Couceiro-Bueno & Sergio Vences Fernández, Pensar en tiempos de oscuridad: homenaje al profesor Sergio Vences. A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacions.
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    El crimen del padre Amaro. Dos contextos: Portugal siglo XIX, México siglo XX.Marina Ruano Gutiérrez & Irma Angélica Bañuelos Ávila - 2021 - Argos 8 (22):16-33.
    Este trabajo está divido en dos partes: en la primera de ellas se aborda la novela decimonónica de Eça de Queirós El crimen del padre Amaro: Escenas de la vida devota, así como la adaptación cinematográfica de Carlos Carrera y el guión de Vicente Leñero para la película El crimen del padre Amaro. Y un particular retorno al género novelístico El padre Amaro de Vicente Leñero. La metodología que se usará en este primer apartado será: exégesis de la adaptación, resumen (...)
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  42. Epistemología de la representación del cambio social.Antonio José Velasco Castro - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (2):115-144.
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    Level of knowledge on classification systems of malocclusions among dentists and orthodontists.Mauricio Villada-Castro, ZulmaVanessa Rueda & PaolaMaria Botero-Mariaca - 2017 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 7 (2):37.
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    Noise Improves Visual Motion Discrimination via a Stochastic Resonance-Like Phenomenon.Mario Treviño, Braniff De la Torre-Valdovinos & Elias Manjarrez - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  45. Ser y Dios, entre filosofía y teología, en Heidegger y Siewerth.Manuel Cabada Castro - 1991 - Pensamiento 47 (85):3-35.
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  46. Informed consent instead of assent is appropriate in children from the age of twelve: Policy implications of new findings on children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Martine C. De Vries, Pieter W. Troost, Gerben Meynen, Johannes B. Van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundFor many decades, the debate on children’s competence to give informed consent in medical settings concentrated on ethical and legal aspects, with little empirical underpinnings. Recently, data from empirical research became available to advance the discussion. It was shown that children’s competence to consent to clinical research could be accurately assessed by the modified MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research. Age limits for children to be deemed competent to decide on research participation have been studied: generally children of 11.2 (...)
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    Why is it hard to make progress in assessing children’s decision-making competence?Irma M. Hein, Pieter W. Troost, Alice Broersma, Martine C. De Vries, Joost G. Daams & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1.
    For decades, the discussion on children’s competence to consent to medical issues has concentrated around normative concerns, with little progress in clinical practices. Decision-making competence is an important condition in the informed consent model. In pediatrics, clinicians need to strike a proper balance in order to both protect children’s interests when they are not fully able to do so themselves and to respect their autonomy when they are. Children’s competence to consent, however, is currently not assessed in a standardized way. (...)
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    Key factors in children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Pieter W. Troost, Robert Lindeboom, Marc A. Benninga, C. Michel Zwaan, Johannes B. van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):74.
    Although law is established on a strong presumption that persons younger than a certain age are not competent to consent, statutory age limits for asking children’s consent to clinical research differ widely internationally. From a clinical perspective, competence is assumed to involve many factors including the developmental stage, the influence of parents and peers, and life experience. We examined potential determining factors for children’s competence to consent to clinical research and to what extent they explain the variation in competence judgments.
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    Polar, Antonio Cornejo. Writing in the Air: Heterogeneity and Persistence of Oral Traditions in Andean Literatures. Trans., Lynda J. Jentsch. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2013. $65.75. 232 pp. [REVIEW]Sara Castro-Klaren - 2015 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):462-463.
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    Thinking with a Feminist Political Ecology of Air-and-breathing-bodies.Irma Kinga Allen - 2020 - Body and Society 26 (2):79-105.
    Social theory has paid little attention to air, despite its centrality to bodily existence and air pollution being named the world’s biggest public health crisis. Where attention to air is found, the body is largely absent. On the other hand, conceptualizing the body without life-sustaining breath fails to highlight breathing as the ongoing metabolic bodily act in which the materiality of human and more-than-human intermingle and transmute one another. Political ecology studies how unequal power structures and knowledge production reproduce human–environment (...)
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